Convert ======= Other file formats can be converted to :doc:`rest` with Pandoc. Installation of Pandoc ---------------------- `Pandoc `_ is a powerful document conversion utility. We use it for simple conversions, but it is capable of much more. Installation ------------ You can install Pandoc for the different platforms: .. tab:: Debian/Ubuntu .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install pandoc .. tab:: macOS .. code-block:: console $ brew install pandoc .. tab:: Windows .. code-block:: ps1 $ choco install pandoc .. seealso:: * `Installing pandoc `_ Convert ------- In the terminal, navigate to the directory containing the documents to be converted. Then enter the command :samp:`pandoc -s --toc -f {INPUT_FORMAT} -t rst {MYDOC}.{SUFFIX}`: ``-s`` creates an independent document ``--toc`` creates a table of contents (optional) ``-t`` creates a reStructuredText output ``-f`` tells Pandoc the input format. You can find an overview of the available input formats in `General options `_. Correcting the converted document --------------------------------- The extent of the correction for the converted document depends on the file format you are converting from. Here are a few things you should pay attention to: * Multi-line titles must be converted to single-line titles * Independent ``**`` characters * :samp:`***BOLD***` should be :samp:`**BOLD**` * Incorrect tables