Apps ==== App projects are suitable for web servers, scripts and :abbr:`CLI (command line interfaces)`. We can also create them with ``uv init --package``: .. code-block:: console $ uv init --package myapp tree mypack -a myapp $ uv init --app myapp $ tree myapp -a myapp ├── .git │   └── ... ├── .gitignore ├── .python-version ├── ├── pyproject.toml └── src └── myapp └── :file:`myapp/pyproject.toml` The :file:`pyproject.toml` file contains a ``scripts`` entry point ``myapp:main``: .. literalinclude:: myapp/pyproject.toml :caption: myapp/pyproject.toml :lines: 12-13 :file:`myapp/src/myapp/` The module defines a CLI function :func:`main`: .. literalinclude:: myapp/src/myapp/ :caption: myapp/src/myapp/ It can be called up with ``uv run``: .. code-block:: console $ uv run mypack Hello from myapp! Alternatively, you can also build a :ref:`virtual environment ` and then call :func:`main` from Python: .. code-block:: console $ uv add --dev . Resolved 1 package in 1ms Audited in 0.01ms $ uv run python >>> import myapp >>> myapp.main() Hello from myapp! .. note:: I strongly believe that a Python application should be properly packaged to enjoy the many benefits, such as * source management with :doc:`importlib ` * executable scripts with ``project.scripts`` instead of attached :file:`scripts` folders * the benefits of :file:`src` layout with a common, documented and well understood structure. .. _uv_lock: :file:`uv.lock` file -------------------- With ``uv add --dev .`` the :file:`uv.lock` file was also created alongside the :file:`pyproject.toml` file. :file:`uv.lock` is a cross-platform lock file that records the packages that are to be installed across all possible Python features such as operating system, architecture and Python version. Unlike :file:`pyproject.toml`, which specifies the general requirements of your project, :file:`uv.lock` contains the exact resolved versions that are installed in the project environment. This file should be checked into the :doc:`Git ` version control system to enable consistent and reproducible installations on different computers. .. literalinclude:: myapp/uv.lock :caption: myapp/uv.lock :file:`uv.lock` is a human-readable :doc:`Python4DataScience:data-processing/serialisation-formats/toml/index` file, but is managed by ``uv`` and should not be edited manually. .. note:: If ``uv`` is to be integrated into other tools or workflows, you can export the content to the `requirements file format `_ using :samp:`uv export --format requirements-txt > {CONSTRAINTS.TXT}`. Conversely, the :samp:`{CONSTRAINTS.TXT}` file created can then be used with ``uv pip install`` or other tools. .. _update-uv-lock: Aktualisieren von :file:`uv.lock` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :file:`uv.lock` is updated regularly when ``uv sync`` and ``uv run`` are called. ``--frozen`` leaves the :file:`uv.lock file` unchanged. ``--no-sync`` avoids updating the environment during ``uv run`` calls. ``--locked`` ensures that the lock file matches the project metadata. If the lockfile is not up-to-date, an error message is issued instead of updating the lockfile. By default, ``uv`` favours the locked versions of the packages when executing ``uv sync`` and ``uv lock``. Package versions are only changed if the dependency conditions of the project exclude the previous, locked version. ``uv lock --upgrade`` updates all packages. :samp:`uv lock --upgrade-package {PACKAGE}=={VERSION}` upgrades a single package to a specific version. You can also use the :doc:`Python4DataScience:productive/git/advanced/hooks/pre-commit` to regularly update your uv.lock file: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: .pre-commit-config.yaml - repo: rev: 0.4.24 hooks: - id: uv-lock Restrict platform and Python versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your project only supports a limited number of platforms or Python versions, you can do this in the :file:`pyprojects.toml` file in compliance with :pep:`508`, for example to restrict the :file:`uv.lock` file to macOS and Linux only: .. code-block:: toml [tool.uv] environments = [ "sys_platform == 'darwin'", "sys_platform == 'linux'", ]