Regular expressions
.. seealso::
* `www.regular-expressions.info `_
* `AutoRegex `_
Square brackets define a list or range of characters to search for:
corresponds to a, b or c
corresponds to any lower case letter
corresponds to each letter
corresponds to any letter or digit
corresponds to a single character
corresponds to zero or more times the preceding element, for example
``colou*r`` matches ``color``, ``colour``, ``colouur`` etc.
corresponds to zero or once the preceding element. ``colou?r`` matches
``color`` and ``colour``.
matches the previous element one or more times, for example ``.+`` matches
``.,`` ``..``, ``...`` etc.
corresponds ``N`` times to the preceding element.
matches the previous element ``N`` or more times.
corresponds at least ``N`` times to the preceding element, but not more than
``M`` times.
puts the position at the beginning of the line.
puts the position at the end of the line.
means *or*.
Escape characters and literals
is used to search for a special character, for example to find ``.org`` you
have to use the regular expression ``\.org`` because ``.`` is the special
character that matches every character.
matches every single digit.
matches any part of a word character and is equivalent to ``[A-Za-z0-9]``.
matches any space, tab or newline.
matches a pattern on a word boundary.