See also
Built-in extensions¶
- sphinx.ext.autodoc
Integrate documentation from docstrings
- sphinx.ext.autosummary
generates summaries of functions, methods and attributes from docstrings
- sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel
references section using the title
- sphinx.ext.graphviz
Rendering of Graphviz graphs
- sphinx.ext.ifconfig
includes content only under certain conditions
- sphinx.ext.intersphinx
allows the linking of other project documentation
- sphinx.ext.mathjax
Rendering via JavaScript
- sphinx.ext.napoleon
Support for NumPy and Google style docstrings
- sphinx.ext.todo
Support for ToDo items
- sphinx.ext.viewcode
adds links to the source code of the Sphinx documentation
See also
Third-party extensions¶
- nbsphinx
Jupyter Notebooks in Sphinx
- jupyter-sphinx
allows rendering of Jupyter interactive widgets in Sphinx.
- Breathe
ReStructuredText and Sphinx bridge to Doxygen
- numpydoc
NumPy’s Sphinx extension
- Releases
writes a changelog file
- sphinxcontrib-napoleon
Napoleon is a pre-processor for parsing NumPy- and Google-style docstrings
- sphinx-autodoc-annotation
use Python 3 annotations in sphinx-enabled docstrings
- sphinx-autodoc-typehints
Type hints support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
- sphinx-git
git-Changelog for Sphinx
- Sphinx Gitstamp Generator Extension
inserts a git datestamp into the context
- sphinx-issues
creates links to GitHub or GitLab issues, pull requests and user profiles.
- sphinx-intl
Sphinx extension for translations
- sphinx-autobuild
monitors a Sphinx repository and creates new documentation as soon as changes are made
- Sphinx-Needs
allows the definition, linking and filtering of need-objects, for example requirements and test cases
- Sphinx-pyreverse
generate a UML diagram from python modules
- sphinx-jsonschema
display a JSON Schema in the Sphinx documentation
- Sphinxcontrib-mermaid
allows you to embed Mermaid graphics in your documents.
- Sphinx Sitemap Generator Extension
generate multiversion and multilanguage sitemaps for the HTML version
- Sphinx Lint
based on rstlint.py from CPython.
- sphinx-toolbox
Toolbox for Sphinx with many useful tools.
See also
- sphinx-contrib
A repository of Sphinx extensions maintained by their respective authors.
- sphinx-extensions
Curated site with Sphinx extensions with live examples and their configuration.
Own Extensions¶
Local extensions in a project should be specified relative to the documentation.
The appropriate path is specified in the Sphinx configuration docs/conf.py
If your extension is in the directory exts
in the file foo.py
, then the
should look like this:
import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("exts"))
extensions = ["foo", ...]