

Underline the title with punctuation marks

Change the punctuation mark for subtitles


A paragraph consists of one or more lines of non-indented text, separated from the material above and below by blank lines.

A paragraph consists of one or more lines of non-indented text, separated
from the material above and below by blank lines.

Inline markup

Italic, bold and preformatted

*Italic*, **bold** and ``preformatted``


.. image:: uml/activity-diagram.svg

Other semantic markup

File listing




Numbered lists

  1. First

  2. Second

  3. Third

#. First
#. Second
#. Third

Unnumbered lists

  • Each entry in a list begins with an Asterisk (*).

  • List items can be displayed for multiple lines as long as the list items remain indented.

* Each entry in a list begins with an Asterisk (``*``).
* List items can be displayed for multiple lines as long as the list items
  remain indented.

Definition lists


Definition of the term

Different term

…and its definition

    Definition of the term
Different term
    …and its definition

Nested lists

  • Lists can also be nested

    • and contain subitems

* Lists can also be nested

  * and contain subitems

Literal blocks

«Block quotation marks look like paragraphs, but are indented with one or more spaces.»

«Block quotation marks look like paragraphs, but are indented with one
or more spaces.»

Line blocks

Because of the pipe character, this becomes one line.
And this will be another line.
| Because of the pipe character, this becomes one line.
| And this will be another line.

Code blocks

Blocks of code are introduced and indented with a colon:

import docutils
print help(docutils)
>>> print 'But doctests start with ">>>" and don’t need to be indented.'
Blocks of code are introduced and indented with a colon::

    import docutils
    print help(docutils)

>>> print 'But doctests start with ">>>" and don’t need to be indented.'

See also

Code blocks


Column heading

Column heading

Column heading

Column heading

body row 1, column 1

body row 1, column 2

body row 1, column 3

body row 1, column 4

body row 2, column 1

body row 2, column 2

body row 2, column 3, colspan 2

body row 3, column 1

body row 3, column 2

body row 3, column 3, rowspan 2

body row 4, column 4

body row 5, column 1

body row 5, column 2

body row 5, column 4

| Column heading | Column heading | Column heading | Column heading |
| body row 1,    | body row 1,    | body row 1,    | body row 1,    |
| column 1       | column 2       | column 3       | column 4       |
| body row 2,    | body row 2,    | body row 2,                     |
| column 1       | column 2       | column 3,  colspan 2            |
| body row 3,    | body row 3,    | body row 3,    | body row 4,    |
| column 1       | column 2       | column 3,      | column 4       |
+----------------+----------------+ rowspan 2      +----------------+
| body row 5,    | body row 5,    |                | body row 5,    |
| column 1       | column 2       |                | column 4       |


.. A comment block begins with two points and can be indented further