
The processing of character strings is one of Python’s strengths. There are many options for limiting character strings:

"A string in double quotes can contain 'single quotes'."
'A string in single quotes can contain "double quotes"'
"""\tA string that starts with a tab and ends with a newline character.\n"""
"""This is a string in triple double quotes, the only string that contains
real line breaks."""

Character strings can be characterised by single (' '), double(" "), triple single (''' ''') or triple double (""" """) quotation marks.

A normal character string cannot be split over several lines. The following code will therefore not work:

"This is an incorrect attempt to insert a newline into a string without
using \n."

They can also contain tab (\t) and newline characters (\n). In general, backslashes \ can be used as escape characters. For example \\ can be used for a single backslash and \' for a single quote character, whereby it does not end the string:

"You don't need a backslash here."
'However, this wouldn\'t work without a backslash.'

However, Python also offers character strings in triple quotation marks ("""), which make this possible and can contain single and double quotation marks without backslashes \ as escape characters.


  • What use cases can you imagine in which the struct module would be useful for reading or writing binary data?

    • when reading and writing a binary file

    • when reading from an external interface, where the data should be stored exactly as it was transmitted

  • Which regular expression would you use to find strings that represent the numbers between -3 and +3?

  • Which regular expression would you use to find hexadecimal values?